Java Features by Version- Java 10

110-Java10 (mar-2018) (Java SE 10.0.2 july-18)

Local Variable Type Inference

Java has now var style declarations. It allows you to declare a local variable without specifying its type. The type of variable will be inferred from type of actual object created. It claims to be the only real feature for developers in JDK 10

var str = "Hello world";

Time-Based Release Versioning

On printing java version, it just shows version number only

E:\Users\Kaveti_S>java -version
java version "1.8.0_202-ea"

But in 10, it will show the Date of version release The new pattern of the Version number is:

java version "10" 2018-03-20

Garbage Collector Interface

Anyone wanting to implement a new GC would require knowledge about all these various places, as well as how to extend the various classes for their specific needs.