Java- Events Handling

Java Swings - Events Handling

As a part of GUI applications we use to create two types of components. They are passive components and active components

  • Passive component, no interaction from the user. For example Label.

  • Active component there is an interaction from the user. For example button, check box, etc

For developing Event handling, a class must have below steps

  1. Class which implement Listener Interface

  2. Component must register with Listener

  3. Get the object of Event class

  4. Implement event method

1.Class which implement Listener Interface
Every interactive component must have a predefined listener whose general notation is xxx listener.

Button java.awt.event.ActionListener
Choice java.awt.event.ItemListener
TextField java.awt.event.TextListener
TextArea java.awt.event.TextListener
Scrollbar java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener

2 .Component must register with Listener
Each and every interactive component must be registered and unregistered with particular event and Listener. The general form of registration and un-registration methods is as follows:

public void addxxxListener (xxxListener);
public void removexxxListener (xxxListener);

3.Get the object of Event class
Whenever we interact any active component, the corresponding active component Event class object will be created. That object contains two details:

1. Name of the component.
2. Reference of the component.

The general form of every Event class is xxxEvent.

Component name Event name
Button java.awt.event.ActionEvent
choice java.awt.event.ItemEvent
textField java.awt.event.TextEvent
textArea java.awt.event.TextEvent
scrollbar java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent

4.Implement Event method
All these methods are present in xxxLisnter classes. We have to implement appropriate method