AWS- Virtual Private Cloud -VPC

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) enables you to launch Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources into a virtual network that you’ve defined.

A “Virtual Private Cloud” is a sub-cloud inside the AWS public cloud. Sub-cloud means it is inside an isolated logical network. Other servers can’t see instances that are inside a VPC.

  • When an user register for AWS account, the VPC for that user is Created

  • All the Instances launch by that user is reside inside his VPC

  • So, for each User , his own VPC is there to play with aws Services

  • If we open VPC dashboard we already have a VPC, with tenancy : Default.

  • That means that on creating AWS account by default one VPC is created

  • all the S3 Buckets, instances we created will be created inside Default VPC

  • You have complete control over your virtual networking environment, including a selection of your IP address range, the creation of subnets, and configuration of route tables and network gateways.

  • Applications run in the VPC or on-premises

  • Subnets can be created in the VPC

    • Public subnets - Opens to outside internet

    • Private subnets - Inside Communication

  • Direct Connect provides VPN(Virtual Private Network) connections

  • Multiple VPCs can be connected by VPC pairing

  • VPC endpoints connect to Amazon resources which are outside the VPC

Endpoint - Kind of jump - direction of next connection


  • Dynamic private IP

  • Dynamic public IP

  • AWS-provisioned DNS names

  • Private DNS names

  • Public DNS names

VPC Architecture

  • We have VPC inside Region – us-est-1

  • outside the VPC, we have internet gateway and virtual private gateway.

  • Both these connections go to the router in a VPC and then router directs the traffic to the Route Table.

  • Route table will then direct the traffic to Network ACL(kind of firewall or security groups)

  • We have two instances – each have their own security groups & their own public, private subnets.

In public subnet, the internet is accessible by an EC2 instance, but in private subnet, an EC2 instance cannot access the internet on their own