AWS- Simple Storage Service-S3

Simple Storage Service (S3)

  • It is Object-based storage, i.e., you can store the images, word files, pdf files, etc.

  • The files which are stored in S3 can be from 0 Bytes to 5 TB.

  • It has unlimited storage means that you can store the data as much you want.

  • Files are stored in Bucket. A bucket is like a folder available in S3 that stores the files.

  • S3 is a universal namespace, i.e., the names must be unique globally. Bucket contains a DNS address. Therefore, the bucket must contain a unique name to generate a unique DNS address.

  • If you create a bucket, URL look like:

    AWS S3

  • If you upload a file to S3 bucket, then you will receive an HTTP 200 code means that the uploading of a file is successful.

  • Supports encryption and automatic data classification(S3 to Glacier if data not using for 3 months)

S3 Concepts

S3 is object-based. Objects consist of the following:

  • Buckets - Container for storing files

  • Regions - if we create bucket, we must put it in a region where users can frequently access

  • Objects - Just Files

  • Keys - Each Object has a Key. Kind of file name.

  • Object URLs - Share Object publicly via URL

  • consistency - It data modified in one region automatically updated in other regions

  • Key: It is simply the name of the object. For example, hello.txt, spreadsheet.xlsx, etc. You can use the key to retrieve the object.

  • Value: It is simply the data which is made up of a sequence of bytes. It is a data inside the file.

  • Version ID: Version ID uniquely identifies the object

  • Metadata: It is the data about data that you are storing. A set of a name-value pair with which you can store the information regarding an object.

  • Subresources: Subresource mechanism is used to store object-specific information.

  • Access control information: You can put the permissions individually on your files.

Very Good example use of S3 is “static website hosting”, it will have a Object URL

How S3 Storage Works

Before adding any data in S3 the user must create a bucket which will be used to store objects.

  • A Bucket is a logical unit of storage in S3(like Folder).

  • A Bucket contains objects which contain the data and metadata(Key+version+etc).

When you are creating a Bucket keep note about below factors

  • Pricing

  • User/Customer Location - make sure bucket is near to user access location

  • Latency - less distance – good latency

  • Service Availability