AWS- Glacier


  • Archival data storage

  • Less Cost

  • takes Hours to retrieve data

  • Three access methods – says how much time it will take to process Glacier data

    • Expedited (3‐5 minutes)

    • Standard (3‐5 hours)

    • Bulk (5‐12 hours)

  • You define the Region for data storage

  • Data stored with AES 256‐bit encryption default

Save Data in Glacier

  • S3 older data can be automatically moved into Glacier

  • Snow devices(USB, Hard Disks) can be used to import data to Glacier

  • Storage Gateway(Local Data) can connect to Glacier

Glacier Concepts

  • Archives - In S3 we call as Object(files), here file is an “archive”

  • Vaults - Same as Bucket in S3

  • Vault locks - Securing Vaults

  • Data retrieval Cost

    • Up to 5% retrieved at no charge, no rollover

    • Vault can be configured to limit costs

Lab – Create Glacier Archive