Spring Batch

Spring Transaction Management

A Database transaction is a single logical unit of work which accesses and possibly modifies the contents of a database.
Database Transactions

@Transactional Annotation

If Employee joins in Organization, at the time of Empoyee creation only we want to insert policy to him.

We any of one operation fails, we don’t want to insert any recored in another table.

public void joinOrganization(Employee employee, EmployeeHealthInsurance employeeHealthInsurance) {

We will be using the @Transactional annotation. Transaction is a cross cutting concern, and it is implemented using AOP in Spring Boot.
Transaction Management Concern

public void joinOrganization(Employee employee, EmployeeHealthInsurance employeeHealthInsurance) {

public void leaveOrganization(Employee employee, EmployeeHealthInsurance employeeHealthInsurance) {

Spring Boot implicitly creates a proxy for the transaction annotated methods. So for such methods the proxy acts like a wrapper which takes care of creating a transaction at the beginning of the method call and committing the transaction after the method is executed.
Transaction Management Proxy