Spring- Spring Annotations

Spring Annotations


We can use the @Autowired to mark a dependency which Spring is going to resolve and inject. We can use this annotation with a constructor, setter, or field injection.

Field injection:
class Car {
    Engine engine;

Setter injection:
class Car {
    Engine engine;
    void setEngine(Engine engine) {
        this.engine = engine;

Constructor injection:
class Car {
    Engine engine;
    Car(Engine engine) {
        this.engine = engine;

2. @Bean

@Bean marks a factory method which instantiates a Spring bean:

Engine engine() {
    return new Engine();

Spring calls these methods when a new instance of the return type is required.

The resulting bean has the same name as the factory method. If we want to name it differently, we can do so with the name or the value arguments of this annotation (the argument value is an alias for the argument name):

Engine getEngine() {
    return new Engine();

Note, that all methods annotated with @Bean must be in @Configuration classes.

3. @Qualifier
We use @Qualifier along with @Autowired to provide the bean id or bean name we want to use in ambiguous situations.

void setVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {
    this.vehicle = vehicle;

4. @Required

@Required on setter methods to mark dependencies that we want to populate through XML:

void setColor(String color) {
    this.color = color;

<bean class="com.baeldung.annotations.Bike">
    <property name="color" value="green" />

Otherwise, BeanInitializationException will be thrown.

5. @Value

We can use @Value for injecting property values into beans. It s compatible with constructor, setter, and field injection.

Field injection:
int cylinderCount

Setter injection:
void setCylinderCount(@Value("8") int cylinderCount) {
    this.cylinderCount = cylinderCount;

Constructor injection:
Engine(@Value("8") int cylinderCount) {
    this.cylinderCount = cylinderCount;

We use @Scope to define the scope of a @Component class or a @Bean definition. *It can be either *singleton, prototype, request, session, globalSession or some custom scope.

class Engine {}

Diffrence beween @Component & @Configuration

@Component and @Configuration are both annotations used in the Spring Framework, but they serve different purposes.

  • @Component is a generic stereotype annotation used to indicate that a class is a Spring component. Spring components are classes that are managed by the Spring container and can be automatically discovered and instantiated. Examples include @Service, @Repository, and @Controller, which are specializations of @Component. When Spring scans the classpath for components, it looks for classes annotated with @Component (or its specializations) and registers them as beans in the application context.

  • @Configuration, on the other hand, is a special type of component annotation used to define a configuration class in Spring. Configuration classes are used to define beans and their dependencies using @Bean methods. These @Bean methods are called at runtime to create and configure the beans, which are then registered in the application context. Configuration classes can also define other configuration-related elements, such as @Import annotations to import other configuration classes, and @PropertySource annotations to specify external property files.

In summary, @Component is a generic stereotype annotation used to mark a class as a Spring component, while @Configuration is a specialized annotation used to define configuration classes in Spring, which are used to configure the Spring application context.

why that all methods annotated with @Bean must be in @Configuration classes.

In Spring Framework, @Bean is used to indicate that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container. When you annotate a method with @Bean, Spring will register that method’s return value as a bean within the application context.

The reason why methods annotated with @Bean must be in @Configuration classes is because @Configuration is used to declare one or more @Bean methods. A @Configuration class essentially serves as a blueprint for defining beans in the Spring application context. Without @Configuration, Spring won’t recognize the @Bean annotations.

In other words, @Configuration is a meta-annotation that indicates that the class contains methods that define beans. It tells Spring to process the @Bean methods within that class and register the beans in the application context.