Spring- Autowire using Annotations

Spring – Autowire using Annotations

Starting with Spring 2.5, the framework introduced a new style of Dependency Injection driven by @Autowired Annotations. This annotation allows Spring to resolve and inject collaborating beans into your bean.

To enable Annotation based autowiring we need to place below line in SpringConfig.xml


Once annotation injection is enabled, autowiring can be used on properties, setters, and constructors.

1. @Autowired on Properties

public class Student {	 
	private int sno;
	private String name;
	private Address address;


2.@Autowired on Setters

public class Student {
	private int sno;
	private String name;

	private Address address;

	public void setAddress(Address address) {
 this.address = address;

3. @Autowired on Constructors

public class Student {
	private int sno;
	private String name;

	private Address address;
	public Student(Address address) { 
 this.address = address;

4.@Autowired and Optional Dependencies Spring expects @Autowired dependencies to be available when the dependent bean is being constructed. If the framework cannot resolve a bean for wiring, it will throw NoSuchBeanDefinitionException. To avoid this we have to use (required=false)

public class Student {	 
	private int sno;
	private String name;
	@Autowired(required = false)
	private Address address;

By default, the @Autowired annotation implies the dependency is required similar to @Required annotation, however, you can turn off the default behavior by using (required=false) option with @Autowired.

5.Autowiring by @Qualifier
By default, Spring resolves @Autowired entries by type. If more than one beans of the same type are available in the container, the framework will throw a fatal exception indicating that more than one bean is available for autowiring.

To avoid this error we have to use @Qualifier.

Now we can update SpringConfig.xml by removing autowire="byType" , because we are using @Autowired annotation


 <bean id="student" class="core.Student">
 	<property name="sno" value="101"></property>
 	<property name="name" value="Satya Kaveti"></property>

 <bean id="address" class="core.Address">
 	<property name="hno" value="322"></property>
 	<property name="city" value="HYDERABAD"></property>

 <bean id="address1" class="core.Address">
 	<property name="hno" value="322"></property>
 	<property name="city" value="HYDERABAD"></property>

In above you have multiple bean of same type, Container will confuse which bean should inject & throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: by: *org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException*: No unique bean of type [core.Address] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 2: [address, address1]

To fix above problem, you need @Qualifier to tell Spring about which bean should autowired.

public class Student {
	private int sno;
	private String name;
	private Address address;