Spring MVC -Multiple Controllers

Spring MVC -Multiple Controllers

We can have many controllers in real-time appplications.in this example we will see how to use multiple controllers in our application. In this example we are taking two controllers

-   FirstController
-   SecondController

1.View Pages

<a href="firstController.html">First Controller</a>
<a href="secondController.html">Second Controller</a>

<h1> First :  ${m1} </h1>

<h1> Second :  ${m2} </h1>

2.Controller Classes

package controller;
public class FirstController {
	public ModelAndView firstMethod(){ 
 return new ModelAndView("firstView","m1", "FIRST CONTROLLER MESSAGE");
package controller;
public class SecondController {
	public ModelAndView firstMethod(){ 
 return new ModelAndView("secondView","m2", "SECOND CONTROLLER MESSAGE");

FrontController configuration web.xml, view pages in hello-servlet.xml are same as above example
