Hibernate- INSERT Operation

Hibernate INSERT Operation

We have Following methods to perform insert Operation in Hibernate

  • Serializable save(Object object)

  • void persist(Object object)

  • void saveOrUpdate(Object object)

package curd; 
public class EmployeeInsert {
public static void main(String[] args) {
 // 1.Load Configuration
 Configuration cfg = new Configuration();

 // 2.Create Session
 SessionFactory sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
 Session session = sf.openSession();

 // 3.Create Transaction Object
 Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

 EmployeeBo ob1 = new EmployeeBo(12, "KARTHIK", "ONGOLE");

 EmployeeBo ob3 = new EmployeeBo(10, "NAG", "HYD");

 EmployeeBo ob2 = new EmployeeBo(11, "PERSIST", "VIZAG");

 System.out.println("Data Saved Sussesfully");
mysql> select * from employee;
| eid | name    | address     |
|   1 | Satya   | VIJYAYAWADA |
|   2 | Ravi    | HYDERABAD   |
|   3 | SURYA   | HYDERABAD   |
|   4 | RAMAN   | PUNE        |
|   5 | DILEEP  | BANGLORE    |
|   6 | DILEEP  | BANGLORE    |
|   7 | ANANTH  | CHENNAI     |
|   8 | vijay   | CHENNAI     |
|   9 | KARTHIK | ONGOLE      |
|  10 | NAG     | HYD         |
|  12 | KARTHIK | ONGOLE      |

Save vs Persist

  • save() is Hibernate-proprietary, whereas persist() is a standard JPA method

  • save() method can return that primary key id value which is generated by hibernate generator while inserting data, persist() will never give any value back to the client long s = session.save(k);

  • save() method will move the Student Object to Transit state to Persistent state immediate. But persist() method doesn’t guarantee that the identifier value will be assigned to the persistent instance immediately, the assignment might happen at flush time.

  • At Transaction boundaries, persist() method guarantees that it will not execute an INSERT statement if it is called outside of transaction boundaries. save() also doesn’t insert but it will return the next generated key value.

public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
 Configuration cfg = new Configuration();

 SessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
 Session session = factory.openSession();

 // Without Transaction it will return id if success
 System.out.println("save \n ===========");
 Object o = session.save(new Student("Ravi", "HYD"));
 System.out.println("Next Genearated Key value : " + o);

 // Without Transaction it wont commit transaction
 System.out.println("Persist \n ===========");
 session.persist(new Student("Mohan", "HYD"));
Hibernate: select max(sno) from student
Next Generated Key value : 102

saveOrUpdate() method either INSERT or UPDATE based upon existence of object in database. If persistence object already exists in database then UPDATE SQL will execute and if there is no corresponding object in database than INSERT will run.